
Exciting Life Changes and My Baby Realisations


I've just hung out a wash of baby clothes bought to pack in my hospital bag in a few weeks and our little back yard area has taken on a new look I've never seen before!  Being a first timer at all of this, I've not been sure what to buy, [...]

Exciting Life Changes and My Baby Realisations2022-05-17T14:53:56+01:00

Chiropractic health for overall wellbeing – my humble opinion…


I heard a quote this morning that taking painkillers can sometimes be like turning off the smoke alarm without looking for the fire and it inspired me to write this blog.  I regularly go to a chiropractor called Keith Martin, based in Avalon Chiropractic in Belfast who I highly recommend. [...]

Chiropractic health for overall wellbeing – my humble opinion…2024-04-28T17:05:54+01:00
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